Rendall and Rittner replaced at Battersea Reach

Rendall and Rittner have been replaced as managing agent at Battersea Reach, London SW11 as a letter to residents from the freeholder announced on 23rd February. Rendall and Rittner have been at Battersea Reach for 11 years, around the same period they have been at Chelsea Bridge Wharf. This replacement was achieved through a management contract retender (not Right to Manage). This is in effect a voluntary agreement by the freeholder (under pressure from residents) to change the managing agent. Unlike Right to Manage, with a retender of the management contract, the freeholder (Berkeley /St George), remains in control – the new agent (JFM) answers to them and can only be replaced if the freeholder wishes to do that. Hopefully that will not be necessary and I wish everyone there the best of luck. I know that many residents at Battersea Reach have been deeply unhappy with Rendall and Rittner over a long period and the service charge levels there are considerably higher than Chelsea Bridge Wharf (and ours are bad enough) without any obvious reason. Many residents, inside and outside BROA have worked hard to raise awareness amongst residents and organise support for change. It is rumoured (and I do not have verification on this and have not seen any supporting documentation) that there are some legal action/s against Rendall and Rittner from Battersea Reach but I am happy to be corrected on that.

I hope that all Rendall and Rittner staff who want to stay on will be able to do so under TUPE and are treated fairly and with respect. As ever it is not the front line staff who are usually the problem but much more to do with the corporate culture and the Directors of Rendall and Rittner in my opinion. Residents at countless Rendall and Rittner managed developments who I have spoken to complain of high service charges, lack of transparency/comprehensibility in accounts and billing, poor upkeep of the development, very poor communications, lack of consultation and unwarranted interference in residents’ associations. That is why nearly 5,000 residents at Rendall and Rittner developments have signed my petition. If you haven’t yet – please do!

Update: The replacement of Rendall and Rittner was stalled at the last moment when one freeholder (Fairhold) decided to retain Rendall and Rittner, despite the vast majority (from St George/Berkeley Homes owned blocks) wanting Rendall and Rittner to be replaced with another agent (JFM). Residents do not want to accept a situation where there would be two managing agents which would potentially increase costs and complexity, so the installation of JFM has been postponed and Rendall and Rittner continue as agents…for now.

Statement from BATTERSEA REACH OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION below (dated 29.5.24).


Today, with just three days to go before the scheduled handover of managing agent (MA) duties to JFM, we were informed that the owner of the head lease of Baltimore, Commodore and Kingfisher Houses (Fairhold Athena) has refused to appoint JFM and has decided to remain with Rendall & Rittner as the MA of those three blocks.
This would mean that the other 14 blocks and the estate (open areas) and car park would be managed by JFM. This is totally unacceptable.
The MA review process was predicated on replacing Rendall & Rittner because of its failure to provide Battersea Reach with the standard of service our leaseholders expect. The majority of leaseholders expressed the view that R&R needed to be replaced.
St George was responsible for facilitating the review and ultimately, in consultation with BROA, appointed JFM as the new MA. This was all done with the clear understanding that the new MA would be appointed for the whole development. It has now just been revealed to BROA that Fairhold Athena wishes to act independently and retain Rendall & Rittner.
In BROA’s view this is both unworkable, contrary to what was agreed and not in the best interests of leaseholders. The higher cost and confusion of two MAs sharing responsibility for the effective and efficient management of the entire development are just two of the deep concerns we have.
Accordingly, we inform you that we have agreed and recorded with St George:

  • BROA does not and will not accept the decision to limit JFM’s appointment as MA to the blocks that do not fall under Fairhold Athena’s jurisdiction.
    BROA Box, Estate Office, Juniper Drive, London SW18 1GJ
  • The fact that Rendall & Rittner remains as MA of the three Fairhold Athena blocks is unacceptable and runs contrary to the decision taken with St George, following the extensive and thorough review process led and agreed by BROA in consultation with St George.
  • The manner in which this decision has been reached is unacceptable to BROA and the lack of consultation and poor communication is equally unacceptable.
  • No handover of MA responsibility from Rendall & Rittner to JFM will proceed until further notice. The process will be suspended, and no agreement will be signed until the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of BROA.
  • BROA will not accept the appointment of JFM unless it is across all blocks comprising the entire Battersea Reach development.
  • Rendall & Rittner will continue as MA during the interim to ensure critical continuity of management.
    Leaseholders and shared owners will be aware of a meeting scheduled for 12 June 2024 at 18:00. This meeting had been intended to introduce JFM. Obviously, that is not possible; but the meeting will proceed anyway so as to facilitate a discussion amongst leaseholders as to preferred next steps. Please make every effort to attend and have your voice heard. Tickets for the meeting are available at
    29 May 2024