Voting open in CBWRA Chair elections and membership fees increase by 140% – still no statement of income and expenditure

The voting opened in The CBWRA Chair elections today. The process has been characterised by what one might politely call a number of ‘irregularities’. The email containing the voting link also announced that the CBWRA subscription fee has gone up from £20 a year to £48 an increase of 140% giving a potential annual income of over £55,000 (1150 flats). No explanation is given. I have been saying for the best part of 18 months that the CBWRA should publish a statement of income and expenditure and this is needed now more than ever, along with many other reforms to CBWRA which I have outlined in my manifesto. Why would such a huge percentage increase be needed? Has there been massively increased expenditure? If so, what on? Where has all the money gone?

This is a very bad decision and I hope that whoever is elected Chair will reconsider. If that is me, I certainly will review this and produce a statement of income and expenditure.

I predict many will not choose to pay £48 a year, especially in view of no explanation or statement of income and expenditure being given. A poor decision, badly communicated. The CBWRA email also gives the impression, which is probably not intentional, that one must say ‘yes’ to membership in order to vote. Please note this is not the case – all leaseholders can vote – you do not need to be a CBWRA member. Had Rendall and Rittner made such an increase without explanation, people would rightly be up in arms. We should expect better standards and transparency from CBWRA.

The voting platform for Chair elections is open from Monday 27 February until midnight on Sunday 5 March. If you are a leaseholder and have not had the email with voting link please contact as soon as possible. We need change!

Mike O’Driscoll – Manifesto CBWRA Chair elections 2023