Category Archive: security guards

CCTV installed in foyers – the latest in a long line of poor CBWRA decisions made without notice, information or resident consultation

Sadly this is what we can expect going forward from the existing Chairs and committee – they have been explicit that they do not wish to consult with residents because there is ‘low engagement’. This is an astonishingly ignorant and self serving ‘take’ because they are causing ‘low engagement’ by failing to consult with residents, hold meetings with them etc. Personally I find it terrifying that if Right to Manage succeeds, this tiny group of unelected / unfairly elected people will have full control over millions of pounds of service charge money and will continue to make decisions which deeply effect our lives, without consulting residents. Nor will it be possible to vote them out given that the election for Chair are self evidently unfair and the committee are not elected at all.

The CBWRA Annual General Meeting April 2023.

*CBWRA plans to spend huge sums on new fountains *no meaningful response on massive service charge increases * CCTV installed in block foyers with no consultation *no action on management audit

In summary, dear CBWRA, thank you for the work that (some) of the committee are doing, but could I respectfully suggest that you please stop trying to blow smoke up the residents’ rear ends and start behaving like a normal democratic residents’ association, then we might actually get somewhere as a community of engaged residents. Even the CBWRA home page is not being straight with us – ‘a board of elected residents’?. No one on the committee is elected apart from the co-Chairs and there are many aspects of that which are questionable to say the least.

CBWRA ask Rendall and Rittner to provide two security guards for ten weeks at a cost of £29,544 – no resident consultation as ever

Many residents were astonished to learn that the Chelsea Bridge Wharf Residents’ Association (CBWRA) had asked Rendall and Rittner to commission 2 security guards for a 10 week period at an estimated cost… Continue reading