Category Archive: RTM


I proposed this motion for the CBWRA AGM – ”The contract which CBW RTM signed with Urang (managing agents) in September 2023 approx, for preparing the RTM application, and becoming managing agent if the… Continue reading

CBWRA refuses to allow committee or residents to see the contract with Urang – Is there something to hide?

I proposed this motion for the CBWRA AGM – ”The contract which CBW RTM signed with Urang (managing agents) in September 2023 approx, for preparing the RTM application, and becoming managing agent if… Continue reading

Chelsea Bridge Wharf Chair Elections 2024 – my manifesto

Mike O’Driscoll – why I am running for Chair of CBWRA in 2024 About me I am an academic quantitative researcher in an NHS related role, and cofounder/trustee of an international development charity. I… Continue reading

April fools? CBWRA committee’s latest and most desperate electoral manipulations. Why are they so scared of a fair and free election?

The CBWRA ‘co-chairs’ (Larisa Villa Hauser and Louis Sebastian Kendall) and so called ‘electoral oversight committee’ (which according to CBWRA march 24 committee meeting notes are Catherine Thome, Toby Spoerer and the former… Continue reading

Tweets supporting military action against the UK, which are also antisemitic and generally a bit worrying…

I have become aware of some wholly unacceptable tweets from someone who may have a Chelsea Bridge Wharf connection.. WARNING – these tweets contain upsetting images,  scenes of violence and foul language and… Continue reading

Omnishambles: The current CBWRA committee are not fit to lead, in my view and we need genuine elections now

The serving of the RTM notice on the freeholders is very welcome, albeit 2 years late and coming from people (Larisa Villar Hauser and Louis Sebastian Kendall) who were until recently telling residents… Continue reading

Right to Manage Notice served on Freeholders at Chelsea Bridge Wharf. Now we must deal with the banana republic of CBWRA.

The freeholders at CBW have been served with a Right to Manage notice which is very good news, albeit two years later than it need have been. There is a long way to… Continue reading

Residents force CBWRA to abandon closure of the CBW app – still no procedure to prevent arbitrary app account closure

CBWRA made a unilateral decision to close the CBW app a few weeks ago, supposedly because it was ‘unsustainable’ at a cost of £5k per annum (which is roughly what they have left… Continue reading

El Presidentes say elections would threaten stability of Banana Republic and will stay in office beyond their elected term

At the so called ‘Leaseholder forum’ on 24th Jan, El Presidentes (Chairs Louis Sebastian Kendall & Larissa Villar Hauser) stated that the Chair elections (due in February) will be postponed for reasons of… Continue reading

50% of leaseholders reportedly signed up for Right to Manage at Chelsea Bridge Wharf – but CBWRA denies this and still acting like a banana republic

I am pleased to relate that according to information I have received, the 50% threshold for serving Right to Manage notices on the freeholders at Chelsea Bridge Wharf has been reached or is… Continue reading