Category Archive: CBWRA

A week later and still no notes from CBWRA Annual General Meeting

So a week later and no notes from the CBWRA AGM. Clearly CBWRA need time to write this supposed analysis comparing CBW to other developments regarding Building Safety Act costs. They claim to… Continue reading

CBWRA AGM 2024 – people asked to vote on committee ‘ratification’ without any advance list of committee members – the committee includes one resident who has been the subject of 4 complaints to the Police by 3 residents

Summary: CBWRA members are being asked to vote for the ”ratification” of a group of people without any idea of what they have done, what they stand for or even who they are.… Continue reading

CBWRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – WEDS 12th JUNE 7pm ONLINE – motions proposed by members:

CBWRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – WEDS 12th JUNE 7pm ONLINE (MS TEAMS) Summary: Residents have proposed three motions for the AGM: CBWRA should challenge the Building Safety Act costs which Rendall and Rittner have… Continue reading

CBWRA still refuses to let committee or residents see key contract with managing agent

Only 9 months late – CBWRA’s response to my motion passed at the SGM in September 2023 regarding their arbitrary closure of CBW app accounts

At the CBWRA SGM in September 2023, I proposed the following motion, which was passed: ”No resident’s CBW app account should be closed without a formal and transparent process, which is in writing,… Continue reading

The CBWRA 2024 AGM – once again a desperation to restrict resident involvement

Residents were sent the following email (below) re the AGM by CBWRA ‘co-chairs’ Larisa Villar Hauser and Louis Sebastian Kendall, who changed the constitution in September 2023 resulting in only 9% of leaseholders… Continue reading

CBWRA have just 140 members (out of 1150 leaseholders). They are not recognised by the freeholders. The Chairs have not been fairly elected. They do not speak for CBW residents and have no legitimacy

Property Institute releases benchmarking data on service charges – CBW is double the average on BSA costs but CBWRA will not challenge

The Property Institute has released benchmarking data for service charges based on nearly 14,000 properties across 108 developments. There is a lot of interesting data including the Buildings Safety Act costs which TPI… Continue reading

Government highlight overcharging for Building Safety Act costs by managing agents

At the end of 2023 I reported on the estimated £400,000 which Rendall and Rittner plans to charge Chelsea Bridge Wharf residents in relation to costs from the Building Safety Act 2022. I… Continue reading

The reasons for the latest changes to electoral rules become clear – only 130 leaseholders (11.3%) are eligible to vote for Chair of CBWRA

There was a useful debate today between candidates for CBWRA Chair (myself and Larisa Villar Hauser/Louis Sebastian Kendall). Thanks to all residents who came and to Catherine Thome for chairing in an impartial… Continue reading