Monthly Archive: Jun, 2024

A week later and still no notes from CBWRA Annual General Meeting

So a week later and no notes from the CBWRA AGM. Clearly CBWRA need time to write this supposed analysis comparing CBW to other developments regarding Building Safety Act costs. They claim to… Continue reading

CBWRA AGM – Omnishambles

Thanks to all residents who attended the AGM – or tried to! the CBWRA AGM was a shambles..even by CBWRA standards. The list of committee members circulated 2 hours’ ahead of meeting, new… Continue reading


I proposed this motion for the CBWRA AGM – ”The contract which CBW RTM signed with Urang (managing agents) in September 2023 approx, for preparing the RTM application, and becoming managing agent if the… Continue reading

CBWRA issue new link for AGM on 12th June 7pm

The Teams link issued by CBWRA for the meeting today does not work (as I pointed out to them this morning). So 2 hours before the meeting they now issue a googlemeet link… Continue reading

CBWRA AGM 2024 – people asked to vote on committee ‘ratification’ without any advance list of committee members – the committee includes one resident who has been the subject of 4 complaints to the Police by 3 residents

Summary: CBWRA members are being asked to vote for the ”ratification” of a group of people without any idea of what they have done, what they stand for or even who they are.… Continue reading

CBWRA caught out in yet another attempt to misinform residents?

Summary: The CBWRA ‘co-chairs’ recently claimed that there was a limit of 3 motions per person at the 2023 AGM and that it would be the same this year (at the 2024 AGM).… Continue reading

CBWRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – WEDS 12th JUNE 7pm ONLINE – motions proposed by members:

CBWRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – WEDS 12th JUNE 7pm ONLINE (MS TEAMS) Summary: Residents have proposed three motions for the AGM: CBWRA should challenge the Building Safety Act costs which Rendall and Rittner have… Continue reading

CBWRA still refuses to let committee or residents see key contract with managing agent

Fears raised over ‘fire risk’ flats in Shrewsbury flats managed by Rendall and Rittner