The latest spin and ‘newspeak’ from Larisa and Louis…where 9% becomes 74%

I was amused to receive the email today from Larisa Villar Hauser and Louis Sebastian Kendall re Chair elections. They state they were ”delighted with the 74% engagement” in relation to the election.  In fact just 103 people voted out of 1150 leaseholders,  i.e. less than 9% of leaseholders voted.

Larissa and Louis have created an election methodology which resulted in 91% of leaseholders not voting. That is the extent to which they have created ‘engagement”.

This is a situation which Larissa and Louis created themselves when they decided to change the rules arbitrarily and without consulting residents in September 2023 so that only paid up members could vote. Perhaps someone scrutinising the new  constitution with a magnifying glass might possibly have worked it out but they were only given 10 days to look at this vast document and in any case were told by CBWRA that it only contained minor changes.

CBWRA conveniently forgot to mention this requirement to be a paid up member in order to vote ( which was not required at any previous election) until a few weeks before the election.

The 74% “engagement” they refer to in their email is the percentage of paid up RA members (140) who voted. So there you have it – a perfect example of the insincere and fake way in which they communicate with residents and routinely insult our intelligence.

Rather than actually do anything to create community engagement they’ve decided to just start saying the word ‘engagement’ a lot, even in circumstances where it is completely irrelevant and inappropriate. I note they have started signing emails with “thank you for your engagement”.

It must be very painful to deal with these people on a daily basis and I can only say that I am thankful I do not have to do so :).