CBWRA’s amazing ‘electricity deal’ outside of bulk retendering process. Does it actually exist?

In October 2023, a resident posted a link from this blog regarding the work I have done around analysing and challenging the Rendall and Rittner electricity tendering process. Rather predictably this person was attacked for posting from this blog and daring to question the CBWRA narrative – that they and they alone represent residents’ interests and committing the thought crime of mentioning my name (Mike O’Driscoll) on the CBW app as I am a ‘banned person’ for having pointed out, in 2021 and 2022, that Right to Manage was the way forward and that CBWRA were misinforming residents by saying this was not the case and that they were wasting residents’ money (up to £9,000) on the pointless ‘management contract retendering’. Two committee members questioned the veracity of this blog but when challenged were unable (as ever) to identify anything that was untrue. In the course of this exchange Louis Sebastian Kendall claimed that CBWRA had secured an electricity deal outside of Rendall and Rittner’s bulk tendering process, which was better than the prices in the bulk tendering process and claimed that he had written proof of that. This seemed unlikely to me for many reasons.

It seems that Rendall and Rittner have no knowledge of this deal secured outside the bulk retendering process. However, and the rates for Warwick seem to be a little lower those of most other Rendall and Rittner managed developments and this is apparently because L & Q (freeholder of Warwick) did procure the electricity outside of the bulk procurement process. But what was CBWRA’s role in that if any?

 Daily Standing
Unit rate
per KWH (Day)
Unit rate per
KWH (Night)
 Warwick 4 £3.47 £0.21 £0.19
 Warwick 1-3  £22.96 £0.21 £0.19
Source: CBWRA February 2024 committee meeting notes

Incidentally I am unclear why the standing charge for W1-3 is around SEVEN times higher than that of Warwick 4.

So I simply ask the question – where is the evidence of this supposed deal secured by Louis Sebastian Kendall / CBWRA committee outside the bulk retendering process by CBWRA? Why was this written confirmation not shared with residents? I mean – if CBWRA had secured a great deal outside the Rendall and Rittner bulk tendering process, and better than the prices in that process, then that would be something to be proud of. It does not seem this ‘deal’ is mentioned in any committee meeting notes and it is hard to imagine how this could have been accomplished without Rendall and Rittner’s knowledge and also CBWRA have no authority to negotiate any contracts for services at CBW. So I am not saying it did not happen but I invite CBWRA to provide any written evidence that they negotiated a better deal for CBW electricity outside of the bulk tendering process. If they did I will be happy to recognise that achievement. If they did not in fact negotiate such a deal then I think an explanation to residents is due.