Chelsea Bridge Wharf – Right to Manage, Chair elections, and the need for change in CBWRA

There is a lot happening at Chelsea Bridge Wharf with Right to Manage, Chair elections and most importantly ever increasing service charges.

In this short video I do my best to summarise the recent history at Chelsea Bridge Wharf and what we need to do to make sure we get the benefits of Right to Manage and build a strong and tolerant community, rather than continuing with a fear-based and divisive culture which has held us back for several years and which places all power in the hands of a few unelected Directors of the Right to Manage company and excludes residents from discussion, consultation or involvement in decision-making

Join in the conversation – there is freedom of speech here unlike the CBW app! This is not a manifesto… simply my analysis of where we are up to and where we need to go. Please join in the conversation. I will be releasing a fuller version of this video in the near future and I will also add some relevant links when time allows. Please feel free to comment publicly or contact me privately (

There is no meaningful discussion of the issues I have raised here, within CBWRA, on the CBW app or at meetings but there is freedom of speech here and all feedback welcome. Looking forward to Right to Manage even though we still have some way to go. Hopefully it’s the start of better times at CBW.

Mike O’Driscoll 18.3.24