CBWRA violates its own constitution- again

The notes of the CBWRA committee meeting of 21st Jan 2024 state that Chair elections were postponed to ‘quarter 2’ of 2024 (i.e. the end of June) after a vote of the committee. But this is total nonsense – the constitution states that Chair elections are annual and that means they are due in February (the same time as last year). The whole point of a constitution is that it cannot be changed except at an AGM. It is the core rule governing the association, So the fact that the committee voted to delay the elections has no meaning and that is even more so given that the total number of committee members attending was 5 (FIVE). In my view the committee are scared of fair and free elections, as they were last year where residents had to run a gamut of abuse from the former chair and committee members in order to force an election.

The meeting notes also state that the CBW app will be closed because it is unsustainable. The annual cost of the app is £5K so this would suggest that CBWRA cannot afford 5K. a year, in line with the information I published recently about CBWRA finances. In true CBWRA style, no consultation has been carried out with residents regarding the closure of the CBW app. CBWRA will of course be happy to close the app and thereby avoid any possibility of discussion or scrutiny of their performance (which is virtually impossible in any case due to online bullying/arbitrary account closure). The motion passed at SGM in September 2023 calling for a formal process for CBW app account closure has simply been ignored.

In my view this is an out of control organisation which shows complete contempt for the intelligence and wishes of residents. The future under these people is not looking bright, with or without RTM.