Monthly Archive: Nov, 2023

CBWRA committee apparently continues with arbitrary CBW app account closures – despite the resolution passed by residents at the Special General Meeting

Sadly it seems that the CBWRA committee are continuing with the process of arbitrary closure of CBW app accounts of anyone who dares to question the wisdom of the committee. A resident has informed me that earlier today (29.11.23) they posted a link to my blog regarding electricity prices at CBW and inviting residents join me in calling for refunds from Rendall and Rittner. There was an almost immediate response from Louis-Sebastian Kendall’ (quasi-elected co-chair) stating that this blog was ‘misleading’ but when asked to specify what specifically was misleading he was unable to do so

The CBW app account of the person who posted this link from my blog today was closed without any information, explanation or procedure despite the SGM motion passed 10 weeks ago which says that CBW app accounts cannot be closed without the use of a written process which allows the person ”accused” to see the supposed evidence for account closure and respond to it. No such procedure has been produced and it is clear that the CBWRA committee continue to close the account of anyone who should dare to criticise them in any way or to reports anything that is critical of the committee in any way. I genuinely feel sorry for people who are so insecure and intellectually immature that they cannot cope with any scrutiny or criticism.

The promised leasehold reforms – watered down and several years late but better than nothing!

A good summary below (from @FreeLeeValuers) regarding the changes proposed in the bill which is being read in house of commons today. The bill includes some changes effecting Right to Manage to supposedly… Continue reading

Five months later – still no written process for CBW app account closures

In September 2023, with the support of residents, I passed a motion at the CBWRA SGM which required a written process to be provide regarding the closure of CBW app accounts. The aim of this was to prevent the arbitrary closure of residents’ CBW app accounts simply because they dare to question the ‘wisdom’ of the CBWRA committee or to point out that they are misinforming residents that Right to Manage was not possible or simply saying things that are not true. More than 10 weeks later there has been no update on this from CBWRA committee and no sign of this written procedure. This means that CBW app accounts can still be closed in an arbitrary and subjective way, without any evidence regarding the reasons for account closure needing to be presented to the person whose account is closed, nor any chance given to them to respond or appeal. This is an utterly revolting form of censorship, in effect.

Warwick and Burnelli Residents – please join me in demanding electricity refunds from Rendall and Rittner

I am suggesting that all Warwick residents should contact the estate manager ( directly and ask politely, but firmly,  that we get a refund or adjustment of service charge amount because the electricity is now costing under 30p per KW/H when the figure in  the budget was much much higher (46p for W1-3 and 71p for W4 as I mentioned above).  Please ask your friends/neighbours at CBW to do the same. A similar situation exists in relation to Burnelli.

CBWRA refuse to publish any notes from ‘Leaseholder Forum’ on 4th October

The so called ‘Leaseholders Forum’ which CBWRA held with residents on the 4th October was the first ever actual meeting of residents with CBWRA (other than those which are required under the constitution… Continue reading

Right to Manage Contract with Urang was not approved by CBWRA Committee

The contract with Urang to prepare the Right to Manage application for Chelsea Bridge Wharf , and to take over as managing agent if the application is successful, was not approved by the… Continue reading

The Observer view on leasehold: let’s abolish this antiquated and unfair system Observer editorial Sat 4 Nov 2023 19.00 GMT It’s simply a money-making scam that allows landowners to exploit those who have bought their own home ‘This system is not business, it is… Continue reading

”Commonhold Now” Report Goes Live: Misaligned Incentives

Anti-leasehold grassroots campaign group, Commonhold Now, releases vital policy report on 1st November 2023 with easily deliverable law changes to liberate England’s millions of flat leaseholders and to hand them rightful control of… Continue reading