Monthly Archive: Sep, 2023

Update on Special General Meeting 12th September – two important motions passed despite improper voting procedures, CBWRA’s attempts to supress discussion and chronically low resident engagement

Many thanks to those who supported the motions I put forward for this meeting which focussed on freedom of speech on the CBW app, trying to ensure fair elections for the future and also trying to ensure that Right to Manage actually delivers increased power to residents not just to a handful of people on an unelected/unfairly elected committee. The meeting also included a vote on ‘ratification’ (i.e. not an election) of the committee and a new constitution. Two of the five motions I proposed were passed.

These motions (in plain language) were that:

That no residents CBW app account can be closed in an arbitrary manner without any due process (as was the case with the closure of my account in May 2022). The closure or threat of closure of CBW app accounts has carted a ‘chilling effect’ on the CBW app which means that residents are afraid to say what they think or to be critical of the CBWRA committee in any way.

That there will be quarterly meetings with the new managing agent (Urang) assuming that RTM foes ahead and they are appointed – the meetings will e hybrid (face to face with the option to attend online) and ALL residents will be welcome not just leaseholders.

CBWRA refuse to post motions for special general meeting on the CBW app

True to form CBWRA are playing information control games with the motions I submitted for the Special General Meeting on 12th September. CBWRA asked me to produce notes on these which I assumed… Continue reading

The proposed new CBWRA constitution – freeholders (Berkeley Homes etc) to get seats on the committee?, any CBWRA member can be removed from CBWRA by Chair/committee and a press gagging clause for committee members

The CBWRA constitution which the CBWRA committee wish to have adopted at the special general meeting on 12th September is a major backward step, increasing the control of the Chair and reducing their accountability to residents even further and handing up to four committee places to the LANDLORDS/FREEHOLDERS.? I hope this is not the case but the wording is very unclear:

CBWRA announce results of fountains ‘consultation’ as not showing support for new pumps and then immediately contradict themselves

CBWRA announced the results of the ‘fountains consultation’ on 5th September, They state

”A total of 253 leaseholders completed the survey. Of these:

130 voted in favour of submersible pumps
18 voted to turn the fountains back on without changing the pumps
105 voted to leave the fountains out of operation until such a time as they could be replaced.”

very bizarrely CBWRA decided not to give percentages for the results so I am happy to help them out

130 (51.4%) voted in favour of submersible pumps
18 (7.1%) voted to turn the fountains back on without changing the pumps
105 (41.5%) voted to leave the fountains out of operation until such a time as they could be replaced.”