Groundhog Day – RTM again delayed by retendering of management contract

From my 2023 CBWRA Chair Manifesto:

‘Retendering the management contract’ has in my view been a waste of up to £15,000 of residents’ money and a lot of time. It could only have succeeded if Berkeley Homes had voluntarily agreed to participate which was never likely. Even if it had been successful it would not have put the residents in charge – any new managing agent appointed would still be answering to the freeholder. It was therefore a very bad decision to pursue this and it was done without any  resident consultation, a few days before the Chair elections in Jan 2022 which locked in that decision, regardless of who was elected.

The excuses for not doing Right to Manage must end – we need to move on and deliver Right to Manage. I do not believe that will happen under the current leadership of the CBWRA who spent 2021 telling us RTM was not possible until the law changed and most of 2022 telling us we could get the same results as RTM through ‘retendering the management contract’. It turns out neither of those claims was correct, as I pointed out at the time.