Vote Mike O’Driscoll for CBWRA Chair – for a new model of residents’ association, not just a rebrand and to keep pressing for Right to Manage despite the contract retendering

Mike O’Driscoll – why I am running for Chair of CBWRA:

Radically transform Governance of the Residents’ Association

There are many areas of CBWRA governance which need reform, including the constitution, election processes, transparency on finances and resident consultation but  above all we need to detoxify the CBW app. I have spoken to many residents who are genuinely afraid to ask even the most basic questions for fear of being attacked or having their app account closed: this must stop. Please see my manifesto for detailed proposals. The unfair running of the 2023 Chair elections show how much we need to change to become a normal democratic residents’ association. A 140% membership fee increase without explanation says everything about the culture of current CBWRA regime – remote, hierarchical, apparently not too interested in residents’ views.

Right to Manage

We need Right to Manage as soon as possible. For those who are not aware, RTM refers to the process whereby residents take over management of their development from the freeholder and acquire the right to hire/fire the managing agent.

While on the committee (most of 2021) the position of the ‘leadership’ was that RTM was not possible/viable until reforms to leasehold law came into place. I got independent advice showing this was not the case, in Dec 2021 and the official position then became ‘we can’t do RTM because of the judgment of ‘First Port V Settlers Court’ and that we could get the same results as RTM through ‘retendering the management contract’. As recently as May 2022 (CBWRA newsletter) the current Chair stated in terms that RTM was not an option at CBW:

”the 12 Jan 2022 Supreme Court decision in First Port v Settlers Court RTM Ltd (see link below) means that leaseholders in large estates are unable to sever ties with the former management company by utilising the right to manage scheme”

This same newsletter accused me of misleading residents by saying that RTM was possible/there was no barrier to RTM and my CBW app account was closed a few days before the newsletter was circulated for supposed ‘misleading’ of residents.

Further independent advice which I obtained from Canonbury estate management (June 2022) showed the judgement of First Port v Settlers Court was irrelevant to CBW and the retendering of  the management contact failed in Sep.2022  (as I predicted on day one).

Two years down the line, the Chair/committee now apparently accept RTM is possible, but I have no confidence in the current leadership/committee to deliver RTM on any meaningful scale or in a timely way. They have never explained why they seemingly said RTM was not possible in May 2022 but now apparently support it / think that it is achievable. I fear more time will be wasted and nothing will change, or that retendering may again be chosen rather than Right to Manage.

Please vote for me for a new model of residents’ association, not just a superficial rebrand. I want a residents’ association that is open, democratic and genuinely interested in residents’ views. Voting closes midnight on Sunday 5 March.  If you have not received candidate information or voting information please contact