Petition passes the 3,500 mark! Thankyou for your support. Rendall and Rittner and Ovedo must listen!

More than 3,500 residents at developments ‘managed’ by Rendall and Rittner have now signed this petition to tell Rendall and Rittner that enough is enough – they need to stop the unjustified service charge hikes, lack of transparency, poor service and much more.

No meaningful response has been received from Rendall and Rittner or their parent company Ovedo. That is quite amazing when you think about it – just ignoring 3,500 of the people who have to pay their hiked service charges and endure their service which is often poor. However given Rendall and Rittner’s atrocious record on communications it is not surprising.

Rather than addressing the issues raised and responding to them, Rendall and Rittner and some of their allies have tried and failed to have this petition stopped. That is shameful. Rendall and Rittner have also made it clear that they may choose not to work with residents’ associations who support this petitions – even if they are elected representatives of residents – that is sinister and anti-democratic.