CBWRA ask Rendall and Rittner to provide two security guards for ten weeks at a cost of £29,544 – no resident consultation as ever

Many residents were astonished to learn that the Chelsea Bridge Wharf Residents’ Association (CBWRA) had asked Rendall and Rittner to commission 2 security guards for a 10 week period at an estimated cost of £29,544 (Rendall and Rittner update 21.11.22) and that the firm recommended by CBWRA appear to have serious financial issues. CBWRA appear to be trying to distance themselves from this fiasco but Rendall and Rittner have made it very clear that it is a CBWRA initiative and that in fact CBWRA wished to add the expenditure to the 2023 budget (i.e. to make it part of normal expenditure, not just a trial).

CBWRA initially claimed that the security guard initative was supposedly a result of an unspecified number of residents expressing unspecified ‘concerns’ and the reporting of unspecified ‘incidents’. The 10 week period is a ‘trial’ and CBWRA have stated it will not continue past 10 weeks without consultation and a vote by leaseholders. However, CBWRA do not have a good record on consulting with residents (in fact there have been zero consultations since the reactivation of CBWRA in January 2021, excepting the Annual Residents’ Survey carried out by the author of this blog). Furthermore consultations usually happen BEFORE decisions are made not after spending nearly £30,000 of residents’ cash on a scheme (which if continued over a year) would have an annual cost of £153,628.

Decisions which are made without consultation are often bad decisions, as we saw in CBWRA’s decision to pursue the retendering of the management contract (which predictably failed, at a cost of up to £15,000 to residents) rather than pursuing Right to Manage and their suggestion that Rendall and Rittner could make a £700 ‘cash call’ on residents (despite their being no provision in the lease for any such demand).

Although there has been one horrendous incident recently involving an assault on a resident in the carpark, these incidents are mercifully extremely rare and we have the hard data on that already in the crime questions in the annual residents’ survey 2021. In the incident referred to, a security guard was present but did not apparently make any meaningful difference to the situation. It is understandable that some people may feel concerned about their safety but spending the best part of £30K for ten weeks of security guard patrols is not going to make people any safer. A much better option would be to provide much better detailed advice on personal safety and improving CCTV and lighting.

According to Rendall and Rittner, the security budget for 2022 is already overspent by 46% due to to ‘ad hoc requests and one off events’ whatever those may be, so to add this wholly unnecessary cost, which will add little or nothing to security, shows a complete lack of financial responsibility and a lack of accountability at the heart of CBWRA.

Apparently Mr Thompson, chair of CBWRA now claims (CBW app, 14.12.22) that this commissioning of security guards was initiated by Rendall and Rittner and CBWRA had no power to stop it. This seems in complete contradiction of earlier statements which implied that the hiring of the security guards was initiated by CBWRA and that CBWRA supported it. It also contradicts the claims made by CBWRA that being recognised as an official RA was somehow a major achievement which would give them a lot more influence/power.

In fact, Rendall and Rittner make it clear that it was CBWRA who requested the security guards. The extract below is from a Rendall and Rittner update on the CBW online platform (21.11.22)

”’The Chelsea Bridge Wharf Residents Association (“CBWRA”) have made a request to introduce two security guards for the following times until the end of January 2023:
• Monday to Thursday 6pm to 1am (7 hours)
• Friday 5pm to Monday 1am (56 hours)”

Furthermore it is not clear if any formal competitive tendering or due diligence has taken place. The firm which Mr. Thompson/CBWRA recommended, Crownguard Security, seems to have financial problems (a charge on their property from NatWest bank) and very little capital (less than £6,000) so it seems unlikely that they will provide a high quality or reliable service.

It would also seem that CBWRA asked Rendall and Rittner to add the cost of the security guards to the 2023 budget (i.e. to continue the so called ‘trial’ throughout 2023 and probably beyond). Rendall and Rittner refused to do this without resident consultation. So the behaviour of Mr Thompson/CBWRA now puts residents in the absurd position of having to rely on the managing agent to protect us from wholly unwarranted expenditure from the residents’ association, which has no democratic mandate.

I note Mr Thompson has stated on the CBW app that the author of this blog ‘has a history of misleading residents’ – this is beyond ironic given the above and coming from the person who claimed that retendering the management contract would be a quicker and cheaper alternative to Right to Manage and also claimed that retendering the management contract was the same thing as Right to Manage. We await in vain Mr Thompson’s apology for wasting £15,000 of residents’ money on the failed management contract retendering. It would also be good if Mr Thompson apologised to residents for claiming that the agreement with Fairhold Artemis required Rendall and Rittner to be one of the contractors allowed to bid if the management contract was retendered (it did not). An apology is also overdue from Mr Thompson for telling residents that ‘everything had been done’ to encourage attendance at the failed AGM in May (when in fact no invites to apartments had been sent out as required in the constitution) leading to just 24 people attending. Mr Thompson’s claim that Right to Manage for the whole of CBW is not possible because of the Supreme Court judgement of First Port v Settlers Court has been shown to be complete nonsense, according to expert independent advice received by residents.

I have referred Mr Thompson’s comments regarding my alleged misleading of residents to my solicitor.