Please join online meetings on how to get Right to Manage at Chelsea Bridge Wharf – November 30th 7-8pm and December 1st 1-2pm

Read online Click to access CBW news – winter 2022

Dear CBW residents
Are you tired of paying huge service charge increases?
Do you want a better level of estate upkeep and service?

Please join one of our online meetings — find out how we can get Right to Manage, choose our own managing agent and take back control of our development. The meetings feature a short presentation by Canonbury Estate Management
followed by a Question and Answer session

All residents welcome! Contact if any questions

November 30th 7-8pm
Zoom link

You should not need a passcode but if asked please enter TrK6yG

December 1st 1-2pm
Zoom link

You should not need a passcode but if asked please enter 2ajx11

After maintaining for nearly two years that Right to Manage is not possible at CBW, for a variety of reasons which I personally do not find plausible, the ‘leadership’ of the Chelsea Bridge Wharf Residents’ Association now claim they will ’investigate’ RTM for individual blocks. Unfortunately, in my view, this is another half-baked idea (along with expensive failure of ‘retendering the management contract’) which will not work (the CBW blocks are joined by the underground car park and so are not ‘vertically separated’ from each other as required for RTM). Even if individual blocks achieved RTM they would not gain control of the external areas of the development where a great deal of the service charge is spent (these would remain with the Freeholder and their chosen agent i.e. Rendall and Rittner).

Sadly, the idea that the current leadership of CBWRA will deliver Right to Manage block by block has no credibility.

My CBW app account was arbitrarily closed by Mr Stephen Thompson on May 2022 apparently because I insisted that Right to Manage was possible (this is referred to by Mr Thompson as ‘misleading information’).

How sad that this is the state of our residents’ association under the current leadership, where freedom of speech on the CBW app is often impossible, resident consultation almost never happens and, rather than engage in a discussion of the issues, blatant censorship seems to be the preferred ‘solution’. This is intellectually immature and self defeating – you cannot silence intelligent adults simply by closing their CBW app accounts.

Why is the CBWRA leadership apparently so desperate to stop residents discussing Right to Manage? (e.g. a post on the above meetings was deleted from the app without explanation). If they are so confident that their position on RTM is correct then what do they have to fear from residents discussing the topic? Equally one might ask why CBWRA are so scared of the ballot box that they refuse to have elections for the committee and (I understand) are not planning to hold annual elections for Chair which are due in January but to postpone these to April, without discussion or explanation. If true, this would be the second time that the Chair has brought in a constitution which would allow him to extend his term as CBWRA Chair without election (this was one of the reasons I resigned from the CBWRA committee in October 2021).

I would urge residents not to allow this blatant censorship and not to allow CBWRA to dictate what they can and cannot see or discuss. Residents have the right to discuss what they want when the want and should be consulted on all major decisions, especially those around Right to Manage, but sadly this is not happening. Equally I urge residents to demand that fair and free elections for Chair and committee are held in January 2023. A residents’ association without elections has no legitimacy and does not speak for residents.

Please join one of these meetings for an open discussion (without censorship!). We need Right to Manage so that we can take back control of our development, keep our service charges in check and to get CBW looking great.