Garton-Jones estate agents amazing deal with Chelsea Bridge Wharf Residents’ Association – FREE advertising on the CBW app

Since 2021, Garton-Jones estate agents has enjoyed an amazing deal with the Chelsea Bridge Wharf Residents’ Association for exclusive use of the ‘estate agent’ page on the Chelsea Bridge Wharf for just £504 a year. This is interesting given that Garton-Jones’ 1.75% commission on a single apartment sale (at say £600,000) would be worth £10,500.)

Expressions of interest in buying the CBW app estate agent advertising slot from at least one other major estate agent have apparently been ignored, which to my mind is extremely worrying. The value of the advertising can only be determined by market testing/competition. It is not in residents’ interest to continue to give this advertising to Garton-Jones estate agent at what seems like an extremely cheap rate.

Mr Charlie Garton-Jones was a member of the CBWRA committee until Jan.22 and retains links with the CBWRA committee (he is apparently on the so called (and unelected) ‘oversight committee’ and is responsible for organising the elections for Chair /committee).